Our Mission
Become a leading independent
risk management consulting firm in Africa.
- Support both the private and
public sectors with capacity building and turnaround strategies.
- Project manage solutions to
improve current processes and operations.
Use our strategic planning
experience to design and implement new processes and operations.
Use our strategic planning experience to design and implement new processes and operations.
Our Vision
“Contributing to transformation, service delivery and sustainable growth in South Africa through our commitment to provide quality intellectual skills and services in an environment where clients come first.”
Our Vision
“Contributing to transformation, service delivery and sustainable growth in South Africa through our commitment to provide quality intellectual skills and services in an environment where clients come first.”
Ubuntu Business Advisory and Consulting (Pty) Ltd
- Ubuntu Business Advisory and Consulting (Pty) Ltd (UBAC), founded in 2006, is a dynamic consulting firm focusing on delivering quality services to both the public and private sector. Led by a team of diverse and well experienced Auditors, Legal and Local Government professionals, UBAC offers a mix of complementary services, with a solid track record of successfully completed projects. Embedded in our organizational culture is a deep sense of obligation to contribute to the transformation of our society to bring about balance in South African business and a significant increase in job creation through capacity building, training and skills transfer. In line with our passion to contribute to true transformation, UBAC is a 100% black owned (51% black female owned)
management and business advisory firm focusing on both public and private
sector clients with special emphasis on the three spheres of government. Within
this role as risk management consultants and business advisors, UBAC seeks to
make a meaningful contribution to the process of socio-economic transformation
within South Africa by bringing about significant increases in the number of
people who can participate in the mainstream economy.
- UBAC is a company that has been prompted by the number of synergies and
partnerships that have been developed over the years and we bring a one stop
professional advisory service to local municipalities, provincial departments,
as well as State-Owned Enterprises.
- UBAC draws on a highly professional and experienced team of auditors, accountants, legal practitioners, local government practitioners, and financial management staff, who have the flexibility to be deployed as per our client’s requirements.